Pizza-Porta ® - Have Fun - Make Great Pizza.
The Pizza-Porta converts a ceramic kamado grill (Big Green Egg, Kamado Joe etc.) into an authentic wood-fired pizza oven.
Capping off the chimney retains the heat. Our patented door and airflow vents keep the temperature steady and under control. You can adjust down to 350℉ for Detroit pizza, or over 700℉ for Neapolitan pizza.
With this accessory, you will enjoy hours of pizza cooking without fiddling with fuel or listening to a blow-torch noise. Pizzas are truly better when cooked over a steady, high-temperature, wood fire.
- Committed to Real Wood-Fire Taste -
You may ask: Why does it have a door? See the answer HERE
Pizza-Porta Results

How it Works:
Pizza cooking Before the Pizza-Porta ®
Imbalanced heat flow - without Pizza-Porta®
Cooking a pizza on a kamado grill is difficult. The stone gets hot enough for pizza, but the heat is exiting the chimney so rapidly that it does not get the dome hot enough to cook the top of the pizza. The pizza stone often burns the bottom of the pizza while the dome struggles to cook the top. Opening the lid to add or even check a pizza complicates this even further because each time the dome is open:
1) A significant amount of heat is lost
2) The ceramic of the dome cools off further
3) The full ventilation stokes the fire which changes the temperature
This leaves the stone too hot, the dome unable to provide enough energy to bake the top of a pizza, and temperature variations between pizzas.
You can’t make extraordinary pizza if you don’t have a steady, balanced oven environment.
Cooking With the Pizza-Porta®
Balanced Heat Flow - with the Pizza-Porta®
Temperature balance and control are achieved by modifying the cooking chamber.
1) The chimney is closed, trapping heat in the dome. This heat soaks into the ceramic of the dome, providing radiant energy to balance with the hot pizza stone.
2) Heat must flow over the pizza to escape out of the side vents, creating convection cooking.
3) Closing the oven door and using vents retains control of the airflow and therefore control of the temperature (as the kamado was designed to do).
All of these very specific details ensure that the heat is balanced top and bottom and consistent between pizzas. This balanced, controlled temperature chamber will deliver lighter, crispier crusts; whether it is one pizza or twenty.
Harness the airflow and take advantage of the capabilities of a kamado-style grill.
Follow us - @pizzadashporta on Instagram and Facebook
Comments from customers:
“This product is underrated, makes the egg into a proper pizza oven. Love it.”
“Every pizza I put in there turns out great - I could never cook good pizza before”
“I’m having so much fun with my Pizza-Porta, It’s the number one reason I purchased my BGE.”
“I didn’t think it would make that big of difference on one pizza. But after tasting the crispy crust, I am a believer.”
“A friend invited me over for pizza with his new oven attachment - after that party I had to get one!”
“These are restaurant quality pies coming out of a backyard grill! ”
“I couldn’t be happier with your product. It solves all of the problems other things I have purchased in the past were unable to get over. Consistent temperature, consistent fuel, great taste. Had a great time amazing my family!”
“ I love mine and think it is one of the best grill accessories out there. Yea, some of my friends have said I could have bought a table top pizza oven for the same price but I dislike having a lot of 1-off speciality things. Cooking pizzas on my grill is by far my (and my family’s) favorite thing to cook and eat. ”